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River City (or My Stenographic Significance)

River City (provisional)

100 x 100 x 3cm acrylic and oil paint on canvas

‘River City’ is just a holding name at the moment. I know approximately what I want to say, but haven’t quite found the combination of words that will shed some light on the painting. I know that for some artists, titles for paintings are not necessarily important; some artists even decide to number their work sequentially, particularly with abstract paintings.

For me, a title can add certain qualities to an image, they often act as a bridge between the artist and the viewer. Interestingly,  a random title generator is available free to use (see link below) which can be a lot of fun if you want to create something entirely meaningless and bizarre. I don’t think ‘Secret Ode to Lonely St George’ quite has it………..I’ll keep working on it and let you know how it goes.

You can see this painting at the Michaelhouse Centre in Cambridge from November 7th – 19th

Detail from ‘River City’



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