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Oil & Cold Wax Painting Techniques
+44 (0)1353 610 280
Cambridgeshire, England
Contemporary Art Blog

peter corr
Jul 30, 2021
‘High White Fen’ A Landscape painting of the Cambridgeshire Fenlands
‘High White Fen’ 80 x 40 on Cradled Board (Detail ‘High White Fen’) Detail ‘ High White Fen’ If someone told you that a painting of a...

peter corr
Jul 19, 2021
A Fenland Landscape in Cambridgeshire. ‘Westmoor’ From Pymoor towards Little Downham.
‘Westmoor’ 100 x 150 x 4cm ‘Westmoor’ (Detail) The Fens around Ely come to life with colour at this time of year. The intense yellow of...

peter corr
Apr 23, 2021
Flesh is water. Stones are like bones.
‘Stone & Water’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas ‘Stone & Water’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas (detail) This is a cold wax...
peter corr
Apr 21, 2021
Painting trees with Oil & Cold Wax medium
‘A Kind of Grief’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas ‘A Kind of Grief’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas (Detail) This is a cold...

peter corr
Mar 11, 2021
Futurism and Dance is the way Forward
Acrylic on Canvas 150 x 100 cm Detail This is a large acrylic work exploring the possibility of creating the illusion of movement in...

peter corr
Feb 26, 2021
Sliding across the Canvas. Abstraction and Gestural Painting with Acrylic Mediums
100 x 150 cm Acrylic on Canvas 100 x 150 cm Acrylic on Canvas (detail) A day in the life of a large-scale abstract painting. This is the...

peter corr
Dec 21, 2020
A medley, mélange, menagerie, miscellanea, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, montage, motley or muddl
‘Patchwork’ 40 x 51 cm Acrylic on 300 gsm paper ‘Patchwork’ Detail Language is a wonderful invention, the moment we are presented with a...

peter corr
Dec 10, 2020
Abstract Acrylic Painting on Hand Made Paper
‘Walking on Sunset’ Acrylic on Paper ‘Walking on Sunset’ Detail This is one of a series of acrylic paintings on hand made 300 gsm paper...

peter corr
Nov 10, 2020
Capturing the vitality and richness of oil paint in acrylics is a challenge
Capturing the vitality and richness of oil paint in acrylics is a challenge. Oil paints have a natural, organic quality that is generally...

peter corr
Nov 4, 2020
The Drama and Power of saturated Complementary Colour
As Winter relentlessly approaches I return to the world of fully saturated colour to reprise the warmth and light of the sun. Colour...
peter corr
Oct 21, 2020
Painting and Music by Peter Corr
Here is something a little out of the ordinary, definitely not my usual offering, but I thought I might share this with you. I created...

peter corr
Oct 16, 2020
Creative Landscape Painting in Acrylic
This is an acrylic painting on a 100 x 100 x 4 cm canvas. I based it on the landscape of Roswell Pits, an 8-hectare nature reserve near...

peter corr
Aug 24, 2020
‘Counterpoint’ A Painting Inspired by Music
This is a painting about music, rhythm and the rich aural textures and the timbre of sound. The chords and colours of the painting...

peter corr
Aug 4, 2020
The Babylon Gallery Summer Art Exhibition
‘Half Moon’ 60 x 60 x 4 cm on Canvas My painting ‘Half Moon’, currently on exhibition at the Babylon Gallery in Ely has just been bought...

peter corr
Jul 12, 2020
In photography, we are inevitably influenced by what we have already seen
‘Sienna’s World’ Anglesey Abbey ‘Christina’s World’ Andrew Wyeth The black and white photograph of my granddaughter was taken at...

peter corr
Jul 7, 2020
Neu Wald, an oil and cold wax painting on wood, by Peter Corr
‘Neu Wald’ This highly textured painting on a solid oak block has just been sold to a collector in Scotland. Oak has a very dense grain...

peter corr
Jan 26, 2019
Paintings of the New Forest by artist Peter Corr
I have just been working on a commission based on one of my recent New Forest paintings. It has taken over two months from start to...

peter corr
Nov 7, 2018
Arcadia by Peter Corr
‘Arcadia’ by Peter Corr 122 x 92cm This is a large oil painting on a 122 x 92 cm canvas. It is semi abstract and expressionistic in terms...

peter corr
Nov 5, 2018
‘Till’ A landscape painting by Peter Corr
‘Till’ by Peter Corr 60 x 60 cm The Fenlands are highly productive agricultural land and at this time of year, farmers can be seen...

peter corr
Nov 3, 2018
How should you title an abstract painting?
‘The Three Realms’ by Peter Corr ‘The Three Realms’ by Peter Corr For me, a title is an important element in the creation of a painting....
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